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    Специальные цены для русскоговорящих. SPECIAL PRICING.For Russian Speakers.

    Вы можете выбрать курс для себя, своих целей и уровня.

    *******1. Общий английский.********
    Мой курс предназначен для того, чтобы говорить свободно, уверенно и без перевода.

    В результате ваши навыки слушания, аудирования,говорения и чтения значительно улучшаются.

    Один урок тщательно структурирован, чтобы вы чувствовали себя комфортно и четко видели прогресс, который вы делаете. Весь материал повторяется в быстром темпе, а это значит, что вы быстро станете свободно и уверенно пользоваться языком. У вас будет доступ к онлайн-упражнениям, интерактивному материалу. Это поможет Вам практиковать язык, который вы выучили с преподавателем на уроке.

    Он подойдет для учеников с любым уровнем владения английским языком. Это многоуровневая программа обучения, состоящая из шести ступеней от Beginner (начинающий) до Advanced (продвинутый). Каждая ступень представляет собой законченный уровень и имеет четкие цели и задачи по овладению всеми видами речевой деятельности. Обучение направлено на систематическое и гармоничное развитие четырех основных речевых навыков: аудирования (понимания речи на слух), чтения, письма и устной речи.

    Английский давно уже не рассматривается как преимущество, а является обычным условием работы в крупных компаниях. Будь-то собеседование на высокооплачиваемую должность, переговоры с иностранными партнерами или правильно составленное деловое письмо на английском — любая из поставленных задач потребует от вас дополнительных специальных знаний.

    -------Общий курс делового английского
    Языковой уровень
    Pre-intermediate A2 ()
    Intermediate B1 ()
    Upper-intermediate B2 (B2)
    Advanced A C1 ()
    Advanced B C2 ()

    Цель изучения
    Закрепление разговорных навыков и изучение особенностей коммуникации в бизнес-среде
    Интенсивный курс делового английского

    Языковой уровень
    Intermediate B1 ()
    Upper-intermediate B2 (B2)
    Advanced A C1 ()
    Advanced B C2 ()

    Цель изучения
    отработка навыков коммуникации в бизнес-среде в интенсивном режиме
    Интенсивный курс делового английского подходит всем, кому нужно быстро освоить английский для ведения презентаций, переговоров с клиентами, партнерами по бизнесу и других видов коммуникаций в бизнес среде, а также в кратчайшие сроки развить навыки делового общения.
    Разговорный и письменный курс
    Языковой уровень
    Pre-intermediate A2 ()
    Intermediate B1 ()
    Upper-intermediate B2 (B2)
    Advanced A C1 ()
    Advanced B C2 ()

    Цель изучения
    развитие разговорных и письменных навыков в деловых коммуникациях

    Почему выбирают разговорный и письменный деловой курс?

    В ходе обучения вы узнаете:

    как писать и отвечать на деловые письма;

    проходить интервью;

    проводить переговоры и презентации.

    Развитие разговорных навыков проходит на фоне изучения конкретной темы:

    деловая переписка на английском языке;

    запросы и резюме;

    стратегия презентаций;

    ведение переговоров по телефону;

    основы делового этикета и т.д.
    Разговорный курс делового английского

    Языковой уровень
    Intermediate B1 ()
    Upper-intermediate B2 (B2)
    Advanced A C1 ()
    Advanced B C2 ()

    Цель изучения
    улучшить разговорные навыки делового английского

    Разговорный курс делового английского - результат в переговорах и бизнесе

    Курс английского языка «деловое общение» улучшает разговорные навыки с иностранными партнерами и коллегами, делая акцент, прежде всего, на освоение бизнес-терминологии и норм этикета в бизнес-среде. Основные задачи, которые ставят перед собой студенты, проходящие курс деловой английский, общение и проведение переговоров с иностранными коллегами и партнерами в России и за рубежом, встреча делегаций и проведение бизнес-презентаций.
    Интенсивный английский для карьеры
    Языковой уровень
    Intermediate B1 ()
    Upper-intermediate B2 (B2)

    Цель изучения
    развить навыки делового английского языка

    - Английский для IT специалистов
    - Английский для архитекторов и инженеров
    - Английский для маркетологов

    - Английский в финансовой сфере
    ********3. Международные экзамены по английскому (IELTS)
    IELTS Standard General
    Цель изучения
    Разбор и отработка всех частей экзамена IELTS General Training
    Сдать IELTS на нужный вам балл
    Программа курса подготовки к IELTS General Training включает разбор всех четырех частей экзамена. Особое внимание направлено на качественную отработку типовых заданий экзамена и стратегию их выполнения в частях Reading, Listening, Writing и Speaking. Студенты будут готовиться таким образом, чтобы на экзамене не встретить ничего незнакомого и сложного.
    IELTS Standard Academic
    Цель изучения
    Разбор и отработка всех частей экзамена IELTS Academic

    Сдать IELTS на нужный вам балл

    Программа курса подготовки к IELTS Academic включает разбор всех четырех частей экзамена. Особое внимание направлено на качественную отработку типовых заданий экзамена и стратегию их выполнения в частях Reading, Listening, Writing и Speaking. Студенты будут готовиться таким образом, чтобы на экзамене не встретить ничего незнакомого и сложного.

    **********4. Подготовка к ЗНО

    Цель изучения

    Курс подготовки к ЗНО по английскому языку поможет повторить и систематизировать школьный материал.

    Внешнее независимое оценивание - решающий момент в жизни выпускника, ведь от его результатов зависит возможность не просто поступить в желаемый вуз, но и учиться на бюджетной основе, сэкономив значительную сумму денег.
    Для того, чтобы сдать ЗНО, как и любые международные экзамены по английскому (например IELTS), нужна СПЕЦИАЛЬНАЯ подготовка. Правильное распределение времени между различными видами тестов, заполнение «пробелов» в знаниях.

    Я прекрасно разбираюсь в специфике подготовки к этому экзамену,

    Моя квалификация как преподавателя  подтверждена  сертификатами TEFL,TESOL, которые дают право преподавать английский как иностранный в любой стране мира, следуя при этом современной коммуникативной методике.

    Профессиональная программа подготовки преподавателей IDP IELTS Австралия (официальный центр IELTS)

    *********5. Английский для детей и подростков
    (от 7 лет)

    Время, проведенное со мной, не пройдет зря. Каждая минута будет наполнена информацией, которая будет подана доброжелательно, в ненавязчивой форме. Уроки английского языка для детей 7, 8, 9 лет проводятся с учетом особенностей возраста.

    Я позволяю своим ученикам полностью погрузиться в культуру англоговорящих стран, делая процесс обучения невероятно интересным и познавательным. Доверившись мне, вы получите:

    индивидуальный подход;

    высокий уровень изложения знаний;

    и, самое главное — результат.

    ​Для эффективного обучения я использую специальные программы, разработанные для детей определенных возрастов:

    Дети 7 - 10 лет
    Научить использовать английский язык в различных ситуациях, помочь детям преодолеть языковой барьер.

    Подростки 10-13 лет
    Накопление словарного запаса, языковых и грамматических конструкций; письменная и устная речь, чтение, восприятие на слух.

    ​Подростки 13-16 лет
    Углубленное изучение языка. Развитие коммуникативных способностей, позволяющих школьникам с легкостью адаптироваться к новой социокультурной среде.

    Extra information

    Какие факторы могут повлиять на мой прогресс?
    - Периодичность занятий.
    Каждый урок начинается с пересмотра материала предыдущих уроков. Чем чаще вы берете уроки, тем лучше вы вспоминаете и тем меньше повторений вам нужно. Если вы делаете меньше повторений, у вас больше времени для нового, и вы прогрессируете быстрее.
    - Качество связи.
    Очень важно, чтобы Ваш преподаватель и вы могли ясно слышать друг друга. Ваш преподаватель и вы будете говорить одновременно много времени, поэтому важно, чтобы не было задержки. Если есть серьезные проблемы, ваши уроки будут менее эффективными, и ваш прогресс будет медленнее.
    - Упражнения.
    Между уроками вы сможете выполнять упражнения, которые помогут вам пересмотреть материал и практиковать орфографию. Если вы будете выполнять эти упражнения регулярно, вы будете лучше помнить предыдущие уроки.


    Online via webcam

    General info

    suitcase iconSkills:
    English as a second language (esl), English for adults, School
    Children (7-12 years old)
    Teenagers (13-17 years old)
    Adults (18-64 years old)
    Seniors (65+ years old)
    Student level:
    60 minutes
    The class is taught in:English, Russian

    About Me

    Certified and Experienced English and Russian Tutor - To all New Students -
    Hi there! My name is Marina, I’m an English teacher from Russia. I’m currently living in Ukraine, where I am teaching English/Russian online. I started teaching English/Russian professionally in 2000 shortly after graduating from University. I have my Master's degree in ESL Education, as well as a TESOL certificate (Arizona State University, 2018).

    Why learn with me?

    My lessons are really interesting, interactive and always designed to help your personal English/Russian needs and goals. So, if you would like to improve your pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary, I welcome you to join my lessons and we can achieve your goals together.
    I possess 17 years of corporate experience in the Finance, Banking, Technology and Construction industries (M.A. Building Engineering, B.A. in Accountancy)
    My main areas of teaching are general English/Russian, Business English/ Russian, IELTS preparation, Russian Tests preparation, English for kids.
    My areas of specialty are report writing/business and also presentations in English/Russian.
    I enjoy developing a strong rapport with my students, combining dynamic and fun classes with a professional style. I will inspire you to succeed on your path to learning and improving your English/Russian whether it be for professional or personal use.

    What factors can influence my progress?
    – Frequency of lessons
    Every lesson begins with a revision of material from previous lessons. The more often you take lessons, the better you remember the revised material and the less repetition you need. If you do less repetition, you have more time for new work and you progress faster.
    – Connection quality
    It’s very important that your tutors and you can hear each other clearly. Your tutor and you will speak simultaneously a lot of the time, so it’s important that there is no lag. If there are sound issues, your lessons will be less efficient and your progress will be slower.
    – Exercises
    Between lessons, you will be able to do Exercises that will help you revise on your own as well as practice spelling. If you do these exercises regularly, you will remember previous lessons better and needless repetition.


    - Qualified TESOL Teacher (150 hours.). Arizona State University (2018)

    - Qualified TEFL Teacher (120 hours).TEFL Professional Development Institute (2017)

    - Master of Teaching English.Horlivka Institute for Foreign Languages HSEE (Donbas State Pedagogical University) (2000)

    - Master of Building Engineering. Donetsk National Technical University (1998)

    - Bachelor of Accountancy.College of Engineering, Horlivka, Ukraine (2000)

    Experience / Qualifications

    Many ESP (English for Specific Purposes) teachers don't even know the subject they are teaching. That's okay. My content is written and narrated by me (as an expert in a subject that I'm interested in).
    And I am certified EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teacher.
    I provide IELTS Online Training for both General and Academic modules. So, you can choose to train yourself according to your requirements. It's easy to get an average 7 with 4 weeks of preparation provided my assumption is true. If you need a 7+ in writing, then it all comes down to your current quality of language. Without knowing your current quality it is difficult to predict the time frame. IELTS is not perfect, but it is certainly not unfair. In fact, it is probably the best measure of a person’s English skills. Do remember that 7 bands in every module is not a piece of cake, so start practicing from now on! -------- Academic IELTS vs General Training IELTS------------ **** Which one is easier: the IELTS General or the IELTS Academic? Both versions of the test have the same general format. Your English writing, reading, listening, and speaking skills will be tested separately no matter which version you take. In fact, there aren’t any differences between the listening and speaking sections at all. Both writing versions involve two writing tasks and both reading versions ask 40 questions in response to assigned readings. Differences begin to appear, however, in the nature of the content and task types. Ultimately these tests really are 70% similar, and you won’t have a choice as to which format you sit for. So it’s probably better to figure out how hard the IELTS will be for you. ***** What is essential to score a high band? Most of the students do well in their Listening, Reading and Speaking sessions but scoreless bands in the Writing section. This is due to a lack of sentence formation and also repeated use of the same words within an essay. I would like to add a point on grammar and vocabulary. Where do you begin? A focused IELTS study plan will show you which areas to study and practice every day, gradually preparing you for test day. ----- IELTS study plan (reading, listening, writing, speaking) ----- The IELTS Writing. Modules test your ability to produce two quite different pieces of writing in a fairly short period of time. Before applying to sit the test, you need to decide whether to take the Academic or the General Training module. Each module is divided into two parts and you have only one hour to complete both pieces of writing. ----- IELTS Reading. Reading Techniques & Strategies. ------ IELTS Listening: Essential Skills and Strategies. ------ IELTS Speaking: IELTS mind map to organize and brainstorm your answer for the speaking
    English for Engineering, Science, and Technology (EEST) provides you with the English skills you need to communicate effectively in the fields of Engineering, Science and Technology. Listening to and reading scientific and technical explanations, reports, rules and regulations Presenting and writing explanatory texts on EST topics including data and process analysis Developing EST vocabulary Participating effectively in workplace-style discussions. You will learn about the job search, application, and interview process. My classes will also give you the opportunity to explore your global career path while building your vocabulary and improving your language skills to achieve your professional goals.
    English for Law (EL) provides you with the English skills you need to communicate effectively with legal professionals and clients. English for Law is ideal if you are nearing completion of your degree or if you are working in the legal field and seek to improve your English proficiency. I will help you develop skills in: - Presentations and discussions - Negotiations - Writing legal correspondence and reports - Role-plays and case studies - Reading legal texts My topics include: - Common law, legal systems, and practice - Company formation, management, and capitalization - Contract formation, remedies, and assignment - Intellectual Property law - Competition law
    You need to learn to "Think in English". You have to "feel" the correct way to speak English. This is how you learned to speak your mother tongue. You can only speak English naturally if you learn through immersion methods. I can help you improve Spoken English through immersion! Practice makes perfect!
    The subject matter is suitable for students, professionals, and government career training programs. Topics include software engineering, tech support, technical sales, and most other IT careers. The focus is on real English as it is spoken in an international job environment. Lesson topics include: Operating Systems Software Applications IT Careers People in IT Measurements Programming Languages Computer Types Components Peripherals Networking IT Slang English for Electronics
    My General English classes offer three levels of intensity, to help you reach your goals at a pace that suits you. Over the years I’ve developed teaching modules tailored to suit your individual goals. I want you to reach your full potential by learning through doing, and immersing yourself in the most inspirational settings with like-minded people. Your confidence will improve as I train you in all four communication skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. With individual attention, my grammar classes are 100% focused on your requirements and designed by me to match your needs. I believe in giving my students the knowledge and tools they want and need to thrive, be it academically or professionally.
    My Business English classes will improve your confidence when speaking and communicating in English with other native and non-native English speakers in a business context. You will develop and refine your written communication skills as well as expand and enhance your vocabulary and fluency. The course focuses on real business situations and topics that professionals and managers encounter in their professional life when they need to communicate clearly and powerfully - when they need to concentrate on what they are saying, not on how to say it in English. The classes cover the following language communication skills, that are further defined after a Training Needs Analysis in consultation with you: Speaking with Clients and Colleagues - to develop clear and powerful communication skills and in particular how to alter the 'tone' and 'register' of what you say. Case Studies - use and application of specific realistic situations faced by professionals in your sector to extend vocabulary and practice all four English communication skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening). These skills are practiced and refined using authentic case studies in areas such as sales & marketing, HR, law, product management, insurance, strategy & management, banking & finance, or accounting. Function and Form - to add language flexibility and accuracy e.g. specific areas of vocabulary and synonyms, coaching in grammar and structure. Effective Telephoning, Meetings and Conference Calls - to increase spoken confidence and listening comprehension with native and non-native speakers of English. This part of the course also includes interpersonal skills training, e.g. Effective Presentations, Negotiation Skills, and Intercultural Awareness. Correspondence and Reports - clear writing styles and reading comprehension for email, reports and other business documents in English.
    ADJECTIVES & ADVERBS CONDITIONS & WISHES NOUNS & ARTICLES VERBS - MODALS PHRASAL VERBS PREPOSITIONS VERBS - SIMPLE VERBS - CONTINUOUS GERUNDS Person, place, thing, idea and everything in between... PHRASAL VERBS Multiword verbs including phrasal verbs, prepositional verbs, and phrasal prepositional verbs. Below, beneath, under, underneath or on the bottom of?
    I offer an exciting range of General Russian classes for all levels, from beginner to proficiency. Our core class is an integrated skills class. It covers reading, writing, speaking, listening, grammar, and vocabulary. In this class, you'll improve your accuracy (how correct your Russian is) and fluency (how well you can communicate). Lessons have daily and weekly objectives so you know what you’ll learn and how you’ll learn it. I provide you with regular assessments that allow you to keep track of your progress. I use the Communicative Approach, so you'll learn Russian by using Russian—not by listening to grammar lectures and doing worksheets. I feel strongly that this is the most effective method to acquire Russian that students can use in the real world.
    My complete modules of B1, B1+, B2, C1 lessons containing speaking, reading, listening, and writing tasks. Pre-Intermediate This is level A2 on the European scale. It is also called the Waystage level. At this level, you are reasonably confident in speaking English and have a vocabulary of at least 1,500 words. You have a basic knowledge of English grammar and can read simple texts and understand their general meaning. As far as writing ability, you can write both formal and informal letters correctly; emails; cards; write about yourself; describe events, places, and people; and express how you feel about people, things, and situations. Intermediate This level is equal to level B1 on the European scale. At this level, you have a good grasp of the knowledge you have accumulated at the previous levels, and you have added some new and sophisticated vocabulary. Your vocabulary is about 2,500 words, and you can adequately construct sentences in English in both spoken and written forms. When you speak, your grammar is correct. You can fill out forms, read fictional literature and various newspapers and magazines, and correspond in writing with native speakers without a lot of difficulties. At the Intermediate level, you have a good command of the language for traveling or working in an international company. Upper-Intermediate This is the next level after Intermediate and is the same as B2 on the European scale. If you can differentiate regional accents in English, speak in both formal and informal settings, identify your own mistakes in grammar and pronunciation, understand and use both simple and complex syntax, openly express your thoughts, and make few mistakes when speaking, then your level is Upper-Intermediate. At this level, your vocabulary is 3,000-4,000 words. You can speak and understand English without difficulty. Advanced/Proficiency At this level, you are almost as proficient in English as you are in your native language. In other words, you can speak fluently on various topics with a limited number of errors, change the style of communication depending on the situation, and know and use English idioms, phrases, and word combinations. You can write narratives, reports, articles, and summaries of films, books, and events. Your vocabulary is 4,000-6,000 words.

    Ask a question

    Send a message explaining your needs and Marina will reply soon:
    The more detail, the better.
    Ex. "Hi, when are you available to meet for a lesson?"

    Availability of a typical week

    (GMT -04:00) New York
    3  Monday at 3:00  Tuesday at 3:00  Wednesday at 3:00  Thursday at 3:00  Friday at 3:00  Saturday at 3:00  Sunday at 3:00
    4  Monday at 4:00  Tuesday at 4:00  Wednesday at 4:00  Thursday at 4:00  Friday at 4:00  Saturday at 4:00  Sunday at 4:00
    5  Monday at 5:00  Tuesday at 5:00  Wednesday at 5:00  Thursday at 5:00  Friday at 5:00  Saturday at 5:00  Sunday at 5:00
    6  Monday at 6:00  Tuesday at 6:00  Wednesday at 6:00  Thursday at 6:00  Friday at 6:00  Saturday at 6:00  Sunday at 6:00
    7  Monday at 7:00  Tuesday at 7:00  Wednesday at 7:00  Thursday at 7:00  Friday at 7:00  Saturday at 7:00  Sunday at 7:00
    11  Monday at 11:00  Tuesday at 11:00  Wednesday at 11:00  Thursday at 11:00  Friday at 11:00  Saturday at 11:00  Sunday at 11:00
    12  Monday at 12:00  Tuesday at 12:00  Wednesday at 12:00  Thursday at 12:00  Friday at 12:00  Saturday at 12:00  Sunday at 12:00
    13  Monday at 13:00  Tuesday at 13:00  Wednesday at 13:00  Thursday at 13:00  Friday at 13:00  Saturday at 13:00  Sunday at 13:00
    from $11.73Online via webcam

    Good-fit Instructor Guarantee

    If you are not satisfied after your first lesson, Apprentus will find you another instructor or will refund your first lesson.

    Online reputation

    • Instructor since March 2020
    • Phone number verified
    • Google connected
    • Linkedin connected

    Availability of a typical week

    (GMT -04:00) New York
    3  Monday at 3:00  Tuesday at 3:00  Wednesday at 3:00  Thursday at 3:00  Friday at 3:00  Saturday at 3:00  Sunday at 3:00
    4  Monday at 4:00  Tuesday at 4:00  Wednesday at 4:00  Thursday at 4:00  Friday at 4:00  Saturday at 4:00  Sunday at 4:00
    5  Monday at 5:00  Tuesday at 5:00  Wednesday at 5:00  Thursday at 5:00  Friday at 5:00  Saturday at 5:00  Sunday at 5:00
    6  Monday at 6:00  Tuesday at 6:00  Wednesday at 6:00  Thursday at 6:00  Friday at 6:00  Saturday at 6:00  Sunday at 6:00
    7  Monday at 7:00  Tuesday at 7:00  Wednesday at 7:00  Thursday at 7:00  Friday at 7:00  Saturday at 7:00  Sunday at 7:00
    11  Monday at 11:00  Tuesday at 11:00  Wednesday at 11:00  Thursday at 11:00  Friday at 11:00  Saturday at 11:00  Sunday at 11:00
    12  Monday at 12:00  Tuesday at 12:00  Wednesday at 12:00  Thursday at 12:00  Friday at 12:00  Saturday at 12:00  Sunday at 12:00
    13  Monday at 13:00  Tuesday at 13:00  Wednesday at 13:00  Thursday at 13:00  Friday at 13:00  Saturday at 13:00  Sunday at 13:00
    from $11.73Online via webcam

    Good-fit Instructor Guarantee

    If you are not satisfied after your first lesson, Apprentus will find you another instructor or will refund your first lesson.


    Rayen Ranim
    Learn English with a Dedicated Tutor! Maîtrisez l'anglais avec des cours en ligne interactifs!
    🌟 Exciting Opportunity: Learn English with a Dedicated Tutor! 🌟 Are you ready to unlock new opportunities and broaden your horizons by mastering the English language? Look no further! Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your existing skills, my tailored lessons cater to all levels. From grammar and vocabulary to conversation practice and pronunciation, I provide comprehensive instruction to ensure your success in English proficiency. My online classes via webcam offer the convenience of learning from anywhere, allowing you to fit language learning into your busy schedule. With flexible scheduling options, you can learn at your own pace and receive personalized attention to address your specific learning needs. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your English skills and open doors to new possibilities. Contact me today to schedule your first lesson and embark on an exciting journey towards fluency! 🚀📚 RANIM

    English conversation lessons for adults by American living in Ireland
    This English conversation and grammar course is designed for adults and teenagers. My main goal is to help you progress in this language at your own pace. Whether it is to acquire the basics of English, improve your language skills with a view to traveling, moving to an English-speaking country, or for your professional development, I adapt to your specific needs and objectives. I am bilingual in English and French, with Irish-American heritage, and have dedicated the last twenty years to providing academic support, whether for children aged 4 and up or seniors over 85 years ! It's never too late to improve your language skills. As an experienced entrepreneur for many years, I also have training in education and socio-cultural activities. My educational approach is based on adaptability and personalization, in order to offer you an optimal learning experience. Please feel free to contact me to discuss your language needs and specific goals. I look forward to helping you achieve your English aspirations!

    Online English tutoring/conversation and exam preparation for all levels and ages
    I'm offering individual and personalized classes according to your level , groups also are welcome to join. I will adapt to your needs and objectives :Grammar, conversation, vocabulary and culture. My method will take you step by step to meet your goal! I am dynamic, easy-going and full of energy! All material will be provided to you by email. Lessons are well organized I can suggest a weekly task In addition, I can provide support in proofreading and translation. If you need help, I am here to listen. About me: Highly qualified English teacher, who prefer many methods of interacting with learners, because I think that every student has their own way of learning. I have gained extensive experience from my previous studies in the Master of Language Teaching Methods, my researches also have helped me to have a huge background about language aquisition, plus that I have worked as a tutor and translator in Europe for years. So: Learning new language can open extra doors for your career path. I'm glad to put my experience in your service and answer your questions. Any age or level is welcome also students of school or university. I can lead you to pass international tests such as TOEFL and IELTS. Language of teaching can be English, Arabic, French or Spanish. Classes can be via Skype or zoom etc...

    (Online) Professional & Academic English with American Instructor and Journalist
    I am a native American English speaking instructor, editor, journalist, and legal/policy expert from Florida specializing in instruction, interview and exam prep, consulting and text correction for a wide range of professionals & students across Belgium including in the legal, academic, policy, and other fields. I am available to meet in both Brussels. My past & present clients have included: professionals and politicians from all four major EU institutions, the Belgian government, the UNHCR, and various NGOs, alongside diplomats, doctors, journalists, and engineers, as well as a variety of other professions in addition to traditional students..I have had over 35+ repeat students on Apprentus (which recently changed their algorithm to only display the last six months). Approaching from a true native's perspective, I instruct and assist with both educational and business English in a multi-faceted nature covering a wide range of areas including comprehension, conversation, grammar, and situational skills, in addition to working on general language skills and accent training. As well, I can provide extensive help and training with the EPSO, IELTS, and TOEFL exams. I have also written, edited or proofread a variety of academic papers, theses, applications, CVs, and other documents for numerous satisfied academic and professional clients. I have spent my entire childhood and adult life in the United States before completing a master's degree in Political Science and European Politics at KU Leuven. Additionally, I also possess Bachelor's degrees in Political Science and History. I have an extensive knowledge and experience of English grammar and literature, as well as current and past working experience in journalism (Anti-Competition Law and European Policy at the Policy and Regulatory Report) and both European and American politics. I have no problem meeting anywhere in Brussels or further afield within the region. I also handle correction of text, editing, proofreading and ghostwriting, with weekly and monthly rates possible. My transportation costs are included.

    Dutch for non-native speakers (including ITNA) and native speakers
    Dutch for speakers of other languages: all levels Grammar - spelling - pronunciation - conversation - preparation ITNA... I make my own material tailored to the student. Dutch for native speakers: spelling - reader-oriented writing If desired, the following is possible: correction and revision, proofreading of papers and theses, translations from English / Spanish (prices are determined based on the number of words) The price for a lesson is for 1 person. Do you want to take the lesson with several people? Please contact me to ask for the price. The available times during the week often change. So feel free to contact me to ask if your preferred moment is still available.

    English lessons and support with preparation for the GCSE / IGCSE/ DELE exams
    Bonjour! ¡Buenos días! Bom dia! Guten tag! Добрий день!👋👋👋 My name is Natalie. I teach Spanish,French,Portuguese, Ukrainian and Russian! 😊😊😊 I have been teaching these languages for 14 years.📗📘📖🗣☺ I have a Master’s degree in Linguistics 🎓,a Master’s degree with honours in Tourism Hotel and Restaurant Business 🎓 and a Master’s degree in International Law🎓 I also earned diplomas 📄📄📄from the Ministry of Education of France : DELF, Spanish diplomas DELE from Cervantes Institute (Madrid), German diploma from Goethe Institute and Japanese – Language Proficiency diploma (Tokyo).🤗🤗🤗 I've worked with football clubs, UEFA Champions League Final⚽ and at other sporting events⛹‍♂🏆. I teach languages from scratch and to a desirable result.✍✍✍📖🙌😀 I'm very friendly and the atmosphere is always nice during the lesson!😇 I also help students to prepare for KS3, GCSE, IGCSE, IB, DELE, DELF and other exams and my students 👩‍🎓👨‍🎓successfully pass them every year😇 I prepare specific material for each student 🖊📄depending on the knowledge, the goals or their personal interests🙂 and I will take different approaches according to your needs. I teach: young learners,👩‍💻students, adults👩‍🔬👩‍✈, professional football players🏆⚽, musicians🪗🎸 ballet dancers🩰, doctors,👩‍⚕🧑‍⚕ lawyers and fashion designers 🧵🥻👗from all over the globe🌎. You will benefit from my broad range of experience and I will be with you every step of your learning journey☺. Online tuition allows my clients to enjoy high quality lessons, learn foreign languages without leaving home and at a comfortable time.🕓🕓🕓👩‍🏫👨‍🏫👩‍💻👨‍💻 Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 🙃🙃🙃 Individual and group classes via Zoom/Skype! All materials for lessons are provided+ references from students. Regards, Teacher Natalie

    I will teach you French and help you achieving your purpose in a short period ! 🎯💯
    Learning languages is a beautiful adventure where you can get better results when you get someone to help you! I will be happy to be that person who helps you develop your french skills. I have a french certificate and an experience teaching online. I can also help you with English. Contact me now and we can discuss your goals and i'll create the perfect plan to achieve them.

    Sergio Henao
    English classes with a certified, patient and empathetic English teacher
    Come and discover the world of English with the help of an enthusiast of languages, translation and culture. With a degree in Modern Languages, a master's degree in Translation and Interculturality in progress, experience in the education, interpretation and translation sector, I am here to guide you through the fascinating journey of learning English. My teaching methods are personalized and flexible, designed to perfectly align with your goals and learning style. Whether you're looking to improve your fluency, prepare for an exam, or explore new cultural horizons, I'll provide you with the tools and support you need to succeed. As someone who lives for art, culture and language, my mission is to demonstrate that learning languages is accessible and enriching for everyone. My ability to connect with students of all ages and levels has been the key to successful and memorable classes. Embark on this linguistic adventure! Contact me and transform your curiosity into knowledge. 🌐✨

    Tutoring and exam preparation Spanish and English
    English and Spanish are world languages and more and more people of all ages are discovering the opportunities that come with learning these beautiful languages - especially traveling and getting to know other countries and cultures. English is a compulsory subject in all schools and at all levels, and Spanish is also offered as a core or elective subject in many high schools. I lived in a Spanish-speaking environment for several years (Mexico, Spain, Paraguay) and also began my first degree in Spanish language and literature at the University of Zurich. I took an IELTS diploma in English two years ago so that I could study in English. I love languages and I really enjoy teaching them to other people. As I majored in Spanish at high school, I know what knowledge is required at this level for the exams and especially the Matura.

    Online English courses for everyone by certified teacher
    After identifying your needs and objectives, we will work on the different skills to help you progress: vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, etc. Whether you are a pupil, student or active, it is never too late!

    🌟 Mastering English for Hospitality Excellence: The Key to Thriving in Tourism 🌟 🏨🚀🌟🗺️🧳
    Welcome! Whether you're greeting guests or serving customers, my specialized "English for Hospitality" class is tailor-made for local professionals in the vibrant hospitality industry. In this dynamic and interactive course, you'll dive into essential English language skills designed specifically for hospitality professionals. 🏨 Whether you're working in hotels, restaurants, tour companies, or any other hospitality-related field, this class is your ticket to standing out in customer service, guest interactions, and communication with international visitors. 💼 Through immersive role-plays, scenario-based exercises, and industry-specific vocabulary lessons, you'll enhance your ability to welcome guests warmly, handle inquiries professionally, and resolve issues confidently. 🌟 Plus, you'll learn to effectively upsell services, recommend local attractions, and create unforgettable experiences for guests from around the world. 🌍 Join me and take your hospitality career to new heights with the power of English communication! 🚀 Let's make every guest's stay unforgettable together! 🌟

    English, mathematics and general school support from Primary to High School
    Using my experience as a student, I first teach the vocabulary that will later be memorized through different exercises, both written and oral. This is how grammar will also be implemented. We will try to liven up the classes with short videos and songs from time to time, as I think they are a good tool to improve oral comprehension. If parents prefer to focus on general school support, we will work on the most difficult subjects, trying to give some time to each one, in a pedagogical and calm way.

    Learn English (from 3 years to 15) as a second language.
    In an increasingly globalized world, speaking English is more than an ability to improve your resume or an additional competitive advantage: it is a necessity to be able to communicate and access the job market. At the same time, it opens the doors to more experiences, for example, cultural ones.

    Step into an engaging English class where learning transcends textbooks. In our sessions, students explore vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, and conversational fluency. It's an interactive journey, where participation is key. Our tailored curriculum suits all levels, ensuring everyone finds value. With creative activities like language games and storytelling, learning becomes both enjoyable and effective. Practical skills are emphasized, ensuring students leave not just with knowledge, but with the ability to confidently navigate English in the real world.

    Fiery Crystal X (Robert & Tina)
    Free or Guided English Conversation for Teenagers and Adults (ONE or TWO per class) from Experienced American Instructor!
    Would you like to increase your self-confidence and fluency in English? If so, you have found the right course for you! Hello, dear students! My name is Tina. My husband, Robert, and I run an online English tutoring business in Romania. Both of us have been teaching English for more than 24 years in Canada, South Korea, Thailand, and recently in Romania. We are located in a time zone that allows us to access the entire world within 12 hours of daytime. We specialize in: - FREE English conversation (through cultural activities such as songs, stories, novels, movies, etc.) - GUIDED English conversation (through grammar drills and reading) - AGE GROUPS: teenagers, adults, and seniors - MATERIALS: We use a variety of print and online materials that we have gathered over the last 20 years. - METHODS: We offer highly INTERACTIVE lessons by using both the COMMUNICATIVE and TASK methods. - We focus on ERROR RECOGNITION and CORRECTION in terms of PRONUNCIATION, ENUNCIATION, INTONATION, WORD STRESS, GRAMMAR, SENTENCE STRUCTURE and FLUENCY. - We offer FULLY online classes for Mid-Beginner to Advanced levels. - We can also help you with whatever other English language needs you might have. - We usually use ZOOM to deliver our online classes; however, we can also use SKYPE or Microsoft TEAMS, whenever necessary. Feel free to contact us if you have any other questions!